Frequently Asked Questions

What is Phi Longevity?

We are a Colorado Rocky Mountain-based company that offers forward-thinking and personalized proactive health and wellness programs that promote physical and mental well-being. Our engagements are led by published, board-certified functional and holistic medical doctors and other clinician experts in wellness elements to deliver transformational health outcomes over an initial three-month period. 

What Makes Phi Longevity Different?

At Phi Longevity we have assembled a program which addresses the critical elements of proactive wellness in a integrated and transparent fashion to guide clients to focus on the key elements relevant to their transformation. All in a supportive, 10-person, cohort-based engagement model led by an integrative medicine M.D.

     Goals such as: 

Additionally, traditional and other proactive medicine options are built and operated to maximize ease-of-delivery for the medical establishment. Short appointments with a single-provider, which result in either a referral to a specialist, recommendation for a procedure or a pharmaceutical prescription. There is little longitudinal tracking of progress, no tracked biomarkers identified with client goals and no expert team supporting the clinician. 

At Phi Longevity, we turn this traditional model around 180-degrees to offer clients a program and an expert team which is client-centric. Maximizing service to the client (just 10 at a time, per cohort) versus today's traditional healthcare industry's delivery approach.

How Does the Phi Longevity 12-Week Program Work?  Is It A Health-Reset?

Yes, we provide a health reset -- focused on healthy baseline numbers. Our goal is to optimize your health for the long-term. 

Good health can be created. If you know that you want to create a proactive health program for yourself -- setting your baselines for future reference. Great! This is what we do. Or, if you recognize that your current approach to health and wellness is not working, you are willing to step outside of that approach, and can commit to the vision of what you truly want for your health and your life, then there is hope.  

We begin by learning about you: Your goals, your biomarker numbers and you as an individual. Over a three-day in person start of the program at a five-star resort, you meet with our strength, mind-body, and nutrition experts, our holistic doctors, coaches and your cohort (nine other group members) -- all supporting you. We like to bring our clients out of their familiar settings into a new environment set in nature for the Summit start. 

Working with our team of experts we build a three-month transformation wellness program that supports your goals. You meet with your health coach, cohort, as well as your holistic medicine doctor to support you in executing your individualized health and wellness plan. 

Throughout your three-month transformation, our aim is to help you learn new insights, build healthy habits, grow stronger, gain mental clarity, be happier - feel great - reach your goals. After the initial three-month period we work together to determine the best way for you to continue with your integrated plans. 

The good news is that you do have control over your health and life. Age and genetics do not dictate everything; they are only part of the story. A rising field called epigenetics describes how much lifestyle controls genetic expression, so much so that you can turn the tide of your own health. That’s right—every one of your choices and behaviors actually changes the way your DNA expresses itself.

What Kind of Health / Longevity Outcomes Can Be Expected?

We often receive questions about how to quickly optimize health:

Answers to these questions are not one-size-fits-all. The responses and programs employed to address need to be informed by both your personal goals and current biological health measures.

A rising field called epigenetics describes how much lifestyle controls genetic expression, so much so that you can turn the tide of your own health. Our client outcomes are aligned with lab test results, individual goals, and optimized health. Examples of possible results are:

     *Source: Per Peter Attia, M.D.: The Four Horsemen are heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Why Would I Place My Trust with Phi Longevity?

Our cross-functional team of medical doctors and other health experts have years of industry experience and accreditations. They work with 1,000s of clients. We'd be happy to speak with you to address any concerns or questions. 

The 2024 season premier program of Colorado Health Matters, hosted by Tom Parkin, aired at 5 p.m. (MT) on Sunday, January 28 on KWGN-TV, Channel 2, Denver. The on-demand/local TV program featured Phi Longevity co-founder and CEO Stephen Pinedo along with Drs. Grover and Anton-Schnell. A more detailed background of our proactive health team is as follows: 

Serving as Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Grover is a board-certified family physician, a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians whose practice focuses on preventative, functional, integrative, regenerative, and personalized medicine. He earned additional board certifications in Integrative Medicine and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.  

Supporting healing in the deepest way, Dr. Grover  emphasizes mindfulness-based practices in stress reduction, lifestyle, and nutrition to proactively promote wellness and reduce acute and chronic illness. In his Cherry Creek/Denver office, two rooms are dedicated to meditation and sound healing. He also offers IV therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) therapy, medical aesthetics, and more.  

Formerly, he served as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado and regularly taught medical students and residents in the Integrative Medicine elective. His most recent research publication in the February 2019, "Pulsed Transcranial Red/Near-Infrared Light Therapy" demonstrates the benefits of transcranial near-infrared light therapy for the treatment of traumatic brain injury in veterans.  

Dr. Grover's adventurous world travels, coupled with passionate interest in spirituality, mindfulness, and health have helped him discover healing beyond a prescription pad (Rx), leading him to understand unique ways of maintaining the expression of healthy DNA, while helping others do the same.  Dr. Grover's private practice website offers more information about his areas of focus.  

He is the author of Awakening Gaia: The Lemurian Crystal Grid (spiritual genomics). In 2019, Dr. Grover published Spiritual Genomics: A Physician's Deep Dive Beyond Modern Medicine

Dr. Anton-Schnell combines her 20+ years as a board-certified primary care physician with her training in integrative nutrition and longevity. Among her many career achievements are early medical studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU), Tufts University, and a residency at Columbia University Stamford, Connecticut. Today, Dr. Anton-Schnell's private practice is located in Boulder, Colorado. It is Dr. Anton-Schnell's mission to offer personalized, high-quality healthcare to improve and maintain the health of her clients. 

Dr. Imre is a naturopathic doctor (N.D.) and a certified Ayurvedic health specialist - certified via the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). Ayurveda is the ancient medicinal philosophy of India. Dr. Imre is also co-author of Your Time to Thrive: Five Keys to Optimizing Health at Any Age. One of her recent case studies is "Treatment of Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood Disorder With Physical Medicine and Supplementation" (2018). She is also a speaker, professor, wellness expert and lifestyle coach. More can be found via her private practice. Dr. Imre's functional medical training has helped her to end needless suffering in her own life, as well as in the lives of thousands of others. 

Dr. Dombroski, LAc, specializes in holistic naturopathic health and earned a master's degree in Eastern Medicine. He is also a speaker, wellness coach, and co-author of Your Time to Thrive: Five Keys to Optimizing Health at Any Age. He is further trained as a licensed acupuncturist, and is an expert in nutrition as well as functional hormone health. Dr. Dombrowski leads group classes in tai chi. More information may be found via his private health and wellness practice, which is focused on empowering each client with the knowledge needed to regain control over her/his health and her/his life. An example of one of his research case studies is "Treatment of Osteoarthritis With Low-level Laser Therapy, Acupuncture, and Herbal Therapy  (2018). 

Giuliana is a NASM-certified personal trainer, nutrition-certified, a rock climbing instructor, a PSIA alpine level-1 ski instructor, and AASI level-1 snowboard instructor. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Health and Exercise Science from Colorado State University (CSU). 

Who Considers Participation in the Program?

The desire to become a client often depends on a client's goals and/or purpose - family legacy, career contributions, travel and adventure. We work with clients in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.

As was recently stated by an industry expert, "Proximity is power. If you really want to grow you have to put yourself into an environment where people are doing things to move themselves forward in life (e.g. exciting goals). You've got to get around people where you can see that there are other things in life that are possible. Then you find yourself thinking, 'if they can do it, I can do it too!'"

On a Daily Basis, How Time-Consuming Is Your 12-Week Program?

It's generally recognized that it takes at least 90 days to recognize the results of new habits and programs. We look to reset your health baselines so that you head into the next seasons with confidence about your health and wellness

Other than partnering with you for your labs, completing your personal assessment (client intake form), and the three days we spend in-person at the 5-star resort in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, to learn, share and meet your team, one of our key goals is to help establish healthy new habits that become as seamless in your life as brushing your teeth. We would say that our program will require around an hour or two of focused attention each week. 

How Do You Work a Client's Primary Care Doctor? My Primary Doctor Keeps My Health Records 

Our work is a powerful complement to traditional medicine

We partner with your current primary care doctor and/or your other medical care specialists. Our proactive "lifestyle medicine" is focused on creating healthy habits, aligned with your lab findings, slowing your internal rate of aging, and keeping possible health threats at bay. 

We partner with you - and your primary care physician's office - to share relevant information in a safe and secure way. 

What Is the Commitment to Become a Phi Longevity Client?

The 3-month, inclusive program with three days at a 5-star resort requires a significant investment, not including travel. As you know, overall health - physical and mental - is the ultimate wealth. Please contact us for program pricing.

A few years ago, CNBC published an article by Emmie Martin, CFP,  titled "18 Things Worth Paying Extra For."  Examples from her list: 

Is your proactive healthcare worth paying for? We believe it is.

With today's rapid innovation in the areas of health and wellness; a proliferation of newly available proactive therapies; medical technology systems that don't "talk to one another;" and keeping current with the latest industry research, it is difficult to identify, evaluate, prioritize and manage your proactive health and wellness. 

We believe that a daily financial investment in your long-term health for 90 days is worth your money and time. We would encourage you to research the cost of a hospital stay, ambulance ride or other emergency procedures both from a financial, time and personal perspective. 

People who are reported to be in the poorest category of health, most of whom are affected by the top chronic diseases, have average out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures of $26,450 per person, per year (Nunn 2020).

You may consider using a health savings account (HSA) for this program. In some cases you may be able to deduct the $18,000 (per client) from your business, if the program is part of your employee benefits  (e.g. education and/or wellness). Check with an accounting professional to verify what may work for your organization. 

What is Your Approach with Clients?

Our client  journey begins with comprehensive leading edge diagnostics including epigenetic biological age, comprehensive nutritional, strength and cardiovascular assessments as well as a personal conversation to learn about your lifestyle and goals. 

Evaluating approximately 140 biomarkers, and narrowing those down to the top biomarkers, we identify the key metrics that align to your goals and partner with you to ensure our team is equipped with a comprehensive view of where you are and where you want to go. 

We then build a program to get you there. 

Our M.D.s partner with the team, consolidate the team's input and work with clients to finalize customized plans and identify, prioritize and measure what is most important to clients while ensuring cost transparency to focus on what is most relevant to each of our 10 individual clients, per cohort.  

Our longevity goal is to get clients to their happy, healthy, 100 years in a proactive and smart way. Around .027% (89,739 people) of the U.S. population in 2021 were of the age 100+ according to data posted by the Population Division of the United Nations. According to the study the prevalence centenarians has nearly doubled in the past 20 years. 

Let's get you to your 100th birthday in a healthy way. 

What Is the 'Renew' 12-Week Program Comprised of?  What Can Be Expected? How Many Hours?

The Phi Longevity 12-week / 3-month program is comprised of the following five elements:

The various elements will be pre-scheduled in partnership with you -- and your current schedule -- so that you know what to expect and when to expect the next steps, follow-up, check-ins and/or conversations. We also want to learn if you'd like more or less (i.e. DIY) weekly support along your journey, this program is tailored to your needs and wants. Would anticipate that there will be a hybrid of meetings -- digital and in-person over the 90 days. 

What Is Your Firm's Vision?

We aim to increase your good years of health -- thereby, increasing your muscle-span and health-span. We founded Phi Longevity to help people use proactive health initiatives and therapies to live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. 

We’ve had loved ones suffer from chronic illness and the debilitating effects on their quality of life. Preventative health practices can help avoid these debilitating diseases. Yet, when we sought out proactive health we were overwhelmed with the complexity of finding experts, coordinating care among different providers and managing records. We realized there are multiple components of proactive wellness each with their own experts. We were amazed at the rapid pace of innovation in proactive therapies but frustrated with the lack of cost transparency and the conflicting nature of much of the emerging advice. 

We realized that a team of experts who guide and support proactive health much like the billionaires use – can help those who are interested in a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. At Phi Longevity we built this team.

Five principles guide our team: 

Related to Career, Do You Work with Clients Who Are Feeling Exhausted & Overwhelmed?

Yes. We help professionals and individual clients do what they love to do for longer. Here are two definitions you may find useful if you are feeling weary, or if know of someone who is feeling exhausted: 

You and/or organizations may consider using a health savings account (HSA) for this program. If our Phi Longevity program is part of your organizations' employee benefits (e.g. education and/or wellness), in some cases organizations may be able to deduct each employee's expense from organizational expenses for tax purposes. We would, of course, encourage you to check with an accounting professional for more information about tax deductions. 

Is There Anything I'm Missing? What Else Do I Need to Consider?

This 12-week proactive program is about seizing the opportunity to change your health and how to thrive rather than just survive. In addition to labs, lifestyle and goals, we will also address mindset, purpose, and environment (e.g. setting yourself up for success). This will allow you to start making tangible changes in your health and life immediately.

Please be comfortable with mobile applications (e.g. Apple, Google) and web portals. Following the in-person, three-day start at our Summit we transition into a hybrid / digital journey with our clients. 

Is Your Firm HIPPA-Compliant?

Yes, we are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

How Will You Use My Data?

Participation in our program requires consent to anonymously share your data, and doesn't require any further action or commitment. 

When and Where Is Your Next Program? How Do I Sign-Up?

To apply for the Fall 2024 cohort, receive our new client application to be considered for this exclusive opportunity send and email to Phi Longevity is your guide to health, and our team looks forward to helping you reach your peak!

Where Can I Find More Information?

We list program information on our website under the Renew drop-down menu. Contact us with questions at or by calling 650-868-9067. 

How Is Your Firm's Name Pronounced? How Is "Phi" Pronounced?

Phi (pronounced F-Eye) is a letter in the Greek alphabet. It connotes balance, harmony and beauty. Phi also refers to the golden ratio (1.618) in mathematics; architecture; patterns in nature. We believe in creating and maintaining balance and harmony for overall health that spans the many years in our lives.  

What Are Your Social Channels?

You'll find us on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. #proactivehealth #guidedjourney #timelesswellness

Also, if you're interested in receiving our quarterly newsletter, please let us know by sending an email to: You will be added to our distribution list.
